The Drama Merchant

The Drama Merchant has been published by Wales Press.

Listen to the first three chapters here!

The blurb:

James loves Gemma and Gemma is apparently super-glued between her legs, according to Steve anyway. And so the drama begins as James’ professional world is exposed to the full glare of publicity.

James is a specialist soldier, Steve is his opinionated best friend, Ally is a girl without inhibitions; and Gemma? Well, Gemma is young and arguably a little misguided. They are all in their late teens, early twenties and discovering what love means as they make mistakes and grow through experience.

The story is played out against national headline news, social media and TV debates after James and his specialist unit’s identities are leaked to the press. Is James a hero or a killer? The nation is divided.

This is a fictitious drama where the scenarios and characters are drawn purely from the author’s imagination. All views expressed are the responsibility of the characters who are young individuals with strong personalities.

THE NOVEL CONTAINS STRONG LANGUAGE AND EXPLICIT SEX. The sex isn’t gratuitous, but, what the hell, we all like sex and when you’re young it is, perhaps, the greatest adventure.

There is an interview where I discuss the novel on the Wales Press website.

The Drama Merchant is now available as an audiobook. It is FREE with Audible trial.

UK listeners/readers can get their FREE copy here:

Listeners/readers in the USA can get their FREE copy here:

You can read a sample and purchase the novel in either paperback or Kindle on Amazon here: